Qantas Launch New Saftey Video

Qantas have just launched a new inlflight safety video and it is a little cringe-worthy!
The video is shot in different Qantas destinations around the world "Playing cricket on a rooftop in Tokyo, riding in the front seat of a taxi in New York, indulging in a 'Tim Tam Slam' in Johannesburg and barracking for the Wallabies in the heart of All Blacks territory in Auckland are some of the ‘Australian-isms abroad’ featured alongside safety instructions for travelling on Qantas aircraft".
According to Qantas the video is "featuring everyday Australians sharing the Aussie spirit with locals in some of the airline’s destinations around the world". Whilst I can appreciate the concept and I think they have actually executed it fairly well, it does make me cringe. The phrase "G'day" is used in almost every section of the video and I really don't remember the last time I heard anyone actually uses that phrase in Australia.
But either way, the video is fun and worth a watch albeit a little on the long side.
What do you think of the new inflight saftey video?