The Blog is Back Online!

Apologies to any regular readers, the blog has been down for several months now thanks to my web host going out of business and simply turning everything off :(

But even before this, there was a distinct lack of updates, and I apologise for that! When I started this blog two years ago, I started it for a few reasons; but mainly because I discovered I like to write about our travels and how we maximised miles & points.

It all started with a few trip reports on frequent flyer forums and eventually that turned into this site. It's always been a way to document the amazing places we have seen and to share some tips I have learned along the way. However, when I had some spare time, I also enjoyed writing articles about general miles & points information and news.

So why have I been so quiet lately?

Well, about 12 months ago I got a new job (I have to pay for holidays somehow) and since then I have unfortunately had very little spare time to update the blog outside of when we are on holiday. *Cue, unfinished trip report* When we got back home from our last Europe Trip I jumped straight back in to work and never actually finished writing the remainder of the trip report :(

Back in April this year we embarked on our most recent holiday, a cruise to Hawaii, which finally gave me a chance to catch up on some writing. It was fantastic! I wrote dozens of articles about points & miles as well as finishing my last trip report. Unfortunately, shortly after getting home, my web host went out of business, and I lost everything. Due to crappy timing, all I had was a backup from March. This left me missing all of the new content I had written on our cruise.

So, in short, very sorry for the lack of regular updates. Hopefully that will change as work settles down over time, but in the meantime, I still plan to write when I am travelling.

Stay tuned for more....